Class 3 project February 2019

A sunny day. We go for a walk. 
We take pictures with the French mascot to show Goświnowice to our French friends in the eTwinning project: "Flat Stanley and the mascot".

The open air gym next to our school.

Former nursery school.

On the way to school.

In the centre. 
There is a church on the left. 
There is a green building on the right.

There is a restaurant in Goświnowice.

There are 3 shops.

Here you will find our ebook about Goświnowice.

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Zdalne nauczanie

Zdalne nauczanie dla klas 1,2,3

Hello friends! Witam serdecznie. Zapraszam do zdalnej nauki. Tu znajdziecie swoje klasy i będziecie mogli wykonywać zadania na odległość....